一、《無界之疆》Land of Lost Borders: A Journey on the
Silk Road
by Kate Harris 鄧伯宸譯
二、《不穩定無產階級》The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class by Guy
三、《伊朗》Understanding Iran: Everything You Need to
Know, From Persia to Islamic Republic, From Cyrus to Khamenel by
William R. Polk 林佑柔譯
四、《暗渡文明》The Book Smugglers of Timbuktu by
Charlie English,蔡耀緯譯
五、《你的幸福不是這個指數—透視經濟成長數據的迷思》The Growth Delusion: Why Economists Are
Getting It Wrong and What We Can Do about It by David Pilling,吳國卿譯
六、《小小國》Petit Pays by Gael Faye 徐麗松譯